PC & Laptop reused with LinuxMint & Lernstick.ch from USB-3-Stick is safe, fast & easy - Do-It-Yourself & for free

PC & Laptop reused with LinuxMint & Lernstick.ch from USB-3-Stick is safe, fast & easy - Do-It-Yourself & for free


5 - USB-Stick-LMint generates:       - LinuxMint-Desktop &                        - LM-Startmenu:  - Email Thunderbird, - Webbrowser Firefox, - Wordprocessor, many useful programs are already there, more to add and to install later for free.  -- Later on you can decide to install LinuxMint onto your Harddisk or on a second USB-3-Stick > 64 GB using the installer on the desktop. -- LM-Welcome Window with HowToDo first steps will help you to start after installing. - Press MENU

https://gofund.me/07da9e9b Please donate securely from the GoFundMe app and share the link. Thank you!

rene-berliner at web.de
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