PC & Laptop reused with LinuxMint & Lernstick.ch from USB-3-Stick is safe, fast & easy - Do-It-Yourself & for free

PC & Laptop reused with LinuxMint & Lernstick.ch from USB-3-Stick is safe, fast & easy - Do-It-Yourself & for free


7 - In LinuxMint you can add many programs later for free. - - My favorite browser is Opera: here you can discover on/off VPN (virtual private network: changes your virtual location only for your browser), Reading mode on/off, PDF download function to save the actual webpage, ad blocker on/off and much more functions to detect on Opera.com, to simplify your life online - - What is your favorite browser and why? - I use startpage.com to anonymise my Google search. - Press MENU




Auf obigen Seiten habe Ich meine Empfehlungen zusammen gefasst.

Nutze https://deepl.com translator zum übersetzen in Deine Sprache!

Beachte https://KlickSafe.de und das Nachbarschafts Netzwerk https://nebenan.de in Deutschland

Use https://deepl.com to translate into your language and back, e.g. several times 

https://LernStick.ch   Uni Bern, Swiss

https://LinuxGuides.de.   Linux News, https://LinuxMint.com

https://opera.com Well established, up to date Browser, with AI ARIA after registration with alias Email adress

https://StartPage.com  Anonymous search with Google 

https://pCloud.com Free Storage 10 GB, more to achieve; switch off auto update 

https://AirVPN.org   VPN that works very cost-effectively for you

https://PuppyLinux.com works also for very, very old PC, for 32 & 64 bit computers

rene-berliner at web.de
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